Aisling A-Z
Dream Dictionary


FREE GUIDE: Interpret Your Dreams, Identify Your Life Purpose, and Discover Your Gifts with the Aisling Symbol Dictionary

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To dream of someone snooping shows a level of mistrust with regard to that person or to the subject matter of the dream.


Snow, being cold, indicates that you suppress your feelings. Being white, it also signifies being critical or judgmental – being a perfectionist you set the bar too high for others and even yourself to achieve.


A soccer game symbolizes how you pursue your goals in life. In dreams anything circular or spherical symbolizes a goal. A circle, like God, has no beginning and no end. The soccer game is about achieving goals.


Socks often indicate the intestines and colon in particular. Since socks cover your feet they can also indicate your ability to move forward with regard to the subject matter of the dream. For example, in her dream, a woman was about to put away laundered clothes when she noticed a trail of black socks, all in pairs, leading out into the back garden. Through this the dreamer is asked to adopt a new attitude (put away clothes) with regard to relationships (in pairs) as she goes forward in life (socks). In particular she needs to eliminate (back garden) the ongoing effects (trail leads to where she is) of negative relationships (black pairs) in the past (back garden).


Software symbolizes programming of the mind or conditioning. Something in your past has conditioned you to think in a certain way. The dream is asking you to address this. Changing a software program or fixing it is a direct request to change how you think with regard to the subject matter of the dream. For example, writing new software for a bank asks you to change your conditioning with regard to expressing your feelings (see bank).

Soggy Paper

To dream of soggy paper indicates mold is growing in your colon – often indicative of Candida albicans. The soggy paper is often shown in the back garden or kitchen of a house.

Solar Panel

To dream of a solar panel means you are a hands-on healer. To dream of the sun alone would indicate this but a solar panel harnesses the invisible rays of the sun to power other devices. Like the solar panel you can channel invisible energy that is around all of us. This energy can be channeled into others by placing your hands on them and letting the energy flow.


Your son can indicate your male side or that you had issues with your father when you were the age of your son in the dream. We each have both male and female aspects to ourselves. Dreams encourage you to restore balance to this energy mix. In fact that is one of the main purposes of your life. To dream of your son dying asks you to eliminate the negative conditioning you picked up around the age of your son in the dream.  To dream of rescuing your son asks you to rescue a male aspect of yourself that was lost at the age of your son in the dream.


South symbolizes your emotions – down from your head and away from logic. For example, driving south in a dream asks you to get in touch with your feelings with regard to the subject matter of the dream.


A spaceship represents your guides or guardian angels. Even if you believe in them, if the concept is any way strange or feels alien to you, they can show up in your dreams like this. The dream is asking you to let them make contact.


Spain and any other hot country indicate the need for healing. This is because the Sun in dreams symbolizes healing. This meaning does not hold if you are from Spain.


To receive penalty points for speeding or other driving violation signifies that something you are doing is incurring karma. Since driving has to do with pursuit of goals, are you pushing your responsibilities onto someone else or blocking them from pursuing their own goals?


A spider indicates childhood fears. If you have a fear of spiders or have witnessed anyone with it, you can understand that the fear is irrational. There is no way you are under any threat from the spider. The dream is pointing out that you have an irrational fear when it comes to the subject matter of the dream. You need to overcome this fear.


The spine of a book represents the spine in your body. Threads in the spine indicate nerves within your spine.


A spirit in a dream is exactly that – a spirit. If you can see them in your dream you have the ability to see spirits while awake. While this may sound scary, with a little education, it becomes a blessing. Since you can see them you do not have to take it on blind faith that there is more to life than what we can physically see. Seeing spirits in dreams is sometimes, but not always, indicative of being clairvoyant. It is highly indicative of being a channel but your connection for dialogue may be something other than clairvoyance. To see the spirit of a loved one who has passed, or indeed a relative whom you never met in real life but is in spirit now, will indicate the same thing. Here, however, they will usually dialogue with you with an important message that needs no symbolic translation. It is common for many people to forget the dialogue when recalling a dream but the message that you can dialogue with spirits (channel) is clear. Why not start developing it today so you do not have to wait until you are asleep to talk to them?