A spirit in a dream is exactly that – a spirit. If you can see them in your dream you have the ability to see spirits while awake. While this may sound scary, with a little education, it becomes a blessing. Since you can see them you do not have to take it on blind faith that there is more to life than what we can physically see. Seeing spirits in dreams is sometimes, but not always, indicative of being clairvoyant. It is highly indicative of being a channel but your connection for dialogue may be something other than clairvoyance.
To see the spirit of a loved one who has passed, or indeed a relative whom you never met in real life but is in spirit now, will indicate the same thing. Here, however, they will usually dialogue with you with an important message that needs no symbolic translation. It is common for many people to forget the dialogue when recalling a dream but the message that you can dialogue with spirits (channel) is clear. Why not start developing it today so you do not have to wait until you are asleep to talk to them?