Teeth in dreams indicate your reproductive system or parenting. Animals carry their young around with their teeth. To lose their teeth would mean they cannot raise their young. We often forget that we too are animals in the animal kingdom.
Teeth can also indicate that you need to be more assertive or less assertive. If a dentist is repairing your teeth, it means that you need to be more assertive and stand up for yourself. To dream of an animal with a lot of teeth, such as a crocodile, means the same thing. This type of dream can be triggered through being in a situation where you feel you cannot stand up for yourself or have lost your grip. For example, a relationship with an over powering partner or a work situation where you feel you would get fired if you speak up. The dream is healing with the intention of giving you renewed vigor to get a grip on the situation.
If a dentist is filing down your teeth it means you need to be less aggressive or assertive when it comes to the subject matter of the dream. Take a step back and stop sinking your teeth in.
Loosing teeth indicates losing the ability to have or raise children, because of a physical condition or through the onset of menopause.
Dreams of loosing teeth can also be triggered due to a number of non physical conditions such as; 1) If your child is leaving home to go to college or to live on their own and you are concerned for their ability to cope. 2) If you are losing a grip on a situation or life in general. This can be to do with your children but does not have to be. For example, this dream can be triggered if your child is on drugs or hanging out with the wrong crowd, and all your attempts at helping them to get their life back on track have failed. 3) If you feel completely helpless in a situation and you can’t do anything to get out of it. 4) Separation or divorce is causing you to lose access, even partially, to your children.
A rotten tooth in a dream is a threat of cancer of the uterus.