Aisling A-Z Dream Dictionary



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railway station symbolizes the start or end of a phase in your life’s journey. For example, stepping off a train onto the platform symbolizes your birth.

railway station master is responsible for the movement of people so indicates you are a spiritual teacher / leader.

TV station or radio station indicates you are strong intellectually, an absent healer, projector and hypnotist.

Projecting your mind onto others can be used to good and bad effect. It is very useful in marketing, sales and teaching. Be careful not to think badly of others though, as your negative thoughts can have a negative effect on them. Whether you believe in karma or not you bring it on yourself for doing this.

Hypnosis is achieved by the practitioner projecting their mind onto their subject. This is regardless of other tools the hypnotist may use in their work. It is their mental projection onto the mind of the subject that makes it work.