Orange symbolizes drive and ambition. It is an energizing color often prominent in career dreams.
Orange also has to do with assimilation of new ideas and can indicate a profound change in perspective is being attempted or required. The sacral chakra, which is located close to the stomach, is energized by this color and helps with assimilation / digestion of new ideas. When given good news, we can feel it here as butterflies in our stomach. When given overwhelmingly bad news, we feel it as if our stomach is in knots.
The sacral chakra feeds life sustaining energy to the digestive system so orange is also used in dreams to indicate digestive system trouble and to help heal it. A common theme is to dream of standing in line for an orange drink. The slow moving line indicates that your digestive system is slow moving and the orange drink symbolically heals this.
Black and orange as a color combination in dreams, indicates ambition driven out of fear and always indicates career. Tigers have this color combination so often symbolize career in dreams.