A house commonly represents your physical body with specific rooms, locations and items representing different parts of your body. A summary list is given here but each keyword, and many more, is described in greater detail separately under its own heading.
Balcony: Intellectual, rational.
Bathroom: Elimination, elimination system.
Bedroom: reproductive system, sexuality, rest, meditation, astral activities.
Dining room: Communication, interaction, digestive system.
Floor: Elimination, elimination system.
Hearth: Heart, circulatory system.
Kitchen: Digestive and elimination system.
Light / Lamp: Psychic ability.
Power outlet: Hands-on healer.
Toilet bowl: Elimination, bowel.
Wallpaper in a Bedroom or Living room: Lining of the uterus.
Wallpaper in a Kitchen, Bathroom or Dining Room: Lining of the digestive system.
Windows: Eyes, psychic ability, your view on the subject matter.