Aisling A-Z Dream Dictionary



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Since you cannot physically fly, to dream of flying symbolizes that you have a strong intellect which you can use to mentally rise above a problem. In the dream, when flying, you are looking at things from a higher perspective. This is a very practical ability and you are most likely aware you have it. When you have had enough of a particular problem you can step back and consciously decide to see the bigger picture. You will almost always feel exhilarated upon waking from a flying dream. This is because all your problems have become smaller through your dream.

Flying is symbolic of projecting your mind and this means three abilities are part of your nature. The first is absent healing – which is healing from afar. This is what Jesus performs on the centurion’s servant in the bible. 

The second is that you have the ability to project your mind onto others. You can use this to good and bad effect. It is very useful in marketing, sales and teaching. Be careful not to think badly of others, as your negative thoughts can have a negative effect on them. Whether you believe in karma or not you will bring it on yourself for doing this. 

The third is the ability to hypnotize others. Hypnosis is achieved by the practitioner projecting their mind onto their subject. This is regardless of other tools the hypnotist may use or believe is doing the hypnosis for them. It is their mental projection onto the mind of the subject that makes it work.

Flying with a guide in a dream indicates you are a channel. You can travel to the spirit world to communicate with spirits and bring back the messages you receive. A guide is anyone with a title, anyone who speaks with authority or anyone who offers you a gift in a dream.

Flying down and landing symbolizes your birth (arrival onto the planet).