Aisling A-Z Dream Dictionary



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Doors represent opportunities due to the fact that we use them to create openings in what would otherwise be an obstacle in our path. Where the door is located can be significant. If the door is ahead on your path it signifies an opportunity in the near future. A door to your right can signify the same thing but it could also be an opportunity that has already manifested.

To close a door in a dream means you are closing off an opportunity that you should be taking advantage of.

To lock a door signifies refusal to create or take an opportunity out of fear. Your protection mechanism is to avoid it. This is not good to do, regardless of what you think you are protecting yourself from in the dream.

locked door indicates you are blocking an opportunity in reality. This meaning holds even if you did not lock the door in the dream.

Double doors represent your heart and sharing as they allow a flow both inward and outward. Your heart needs this flow of feelings to stay healthy.

Revolving doors symbolize your heart due to their circular movement and also because they allow flow in two directions. Revolving doors can also symbolize karma as it is possible to get caught on a karmic cycle where you keep spoiling opportunities to clear your karmic debts.

Unusually large glass doors, including sliding doors, indicate you have a psychic / intuitive ability. You are being asked to open up to using it. For example, encountering a sliding door on the public pavement asks you to take the opportunities (door) presented in public (public pavement) for using your psychic ability (glass). 

Houses represent the body so the back door to a house represents your rectum (the back door to your body) while the  front door can represent the vagina – the front door to the body by which someone can exit.