Aisling A-Z
Dream Dictionary


FREE GUIDE: Interpret Your Dreams, Identify Your Life Purpose, and Discover Your Gifts with the Aisling Symbol Dictionary

Unlock the secrets of your subconscious mind with The Aisling Symbol Dictionary. Start understanding the symbols in your dreams and take the first step towards self-discovery. Get your free guide now.



Tubing is commonly about your intestines – particularly your colon if it is about six feet long.


Turf symbolizes your colon due to its brown color.


Turkey (the country) symbolizes a blending of varying traditions. Turkey is a bridge between two continents, Europe and Asia. It is bordered by eight countries and has a unique blend of Islamic and Western traditions.


Turquoise is a mix of blue and green and as such asks you to include how you are feeling with your philosophy of life. For example, if your circumstance makes you feel the need to portray a positive outlook despite how you really feel, turquoise in your dream asks you to drop that and show your feelings as they are.


A TV indicates you are clairvoyant – you can see things from a distance.

TV Personality

A TV Personality in your dream indicates you have a powerful intellect which brings with it the gifts of absent healing, projection and hypnosis.  Projecting your mind onto others can be used to good and bad effect. It is very useful in marketing, sales and teaching. Be careful not to think badly of others as your negative thoughts can have a negative effect on them. Whether you believe in karma or not you bring it on yourself for doing this. Hypnosis is achieved by the practitioner projecting their mind onto their subject. This is regardless of other tools the hypnotist may use in their work. It is their mental projection onto the mind of the subject that makes it work.

TV Station

A TV station indicates a strong intellect, absent healer, projector and hypnotist. See TV Personality.


Twins indicate you are a channel / medium – you can communicate with spirits.


A twister indicates your state of mind / stress.


To dream of a typewriter indicates you have a special writing ability. You may already know this because you are drawn to it. If you have not already written something give it a try. It is you.