Aisling A-Z
Dream Dictionary


FREE GUIDE: Interpret Your Dreams, Identify Your Life Purpose, and Discover Your Gifts with the Aisling Symbol Dictionary

Unlock the secrets of your subconscious mind with The Aisling Symbol Dictionary. Start understanding the symbols in your dreams and take the first step towards self-discovery. Get your free guide now.



A tractor or any tracked vehicle symbolizes your digestive tract. This is because of the pun on tract but also because these vehicles are associated with working with dirt or dirt tracks.


Traffic in dreams symbolizes career. Being caught in traffic means your career is hindering the achievement of your life purpose. It is also indicative of being on the karmic path. Two-way flow of traffic is about your heart and the two-way flow of feelings (sharing with others) required to keep your heart emotionally and physically healthy.


A train can symbolize a number of things. It commonly symbolizes your digestive system. Here the train moving along the track is symbolic of food moving along your digestive tract. In fact any track, especially a train track is generally about your digestive tract. A train journey symbolizes your life journey or the current phase of your life journey.  In this case, a train station indicates the beginning or end of the phase. If you meet your parents on the train station platform, it is clearly about the beginning of your life. Other symbols in the dream will indicate what you need to include on your journey. For example, if the train is silver you are being reminded that you are to develop and use your psychic ability / intuition as you travel your journey. A train set also symbolizes your life journey. A train carriage is a common symbol for the womb and is bringing you right back to before your birth and early childhood. The train is still about your life journey but the very start is being emphasized as being important. Carriage is a common term referring to babies – for example, baby carriage and miscarriage. It is common in these dreams to show the conditions of the womb by their being no windows in the carriage. While it may seem ridiculous that you could have any memory or lasting effect from that time in your life, look at the dream to see why it is important enough for you to be getting a message about it.

Train Station

A train station symbolizes the start of your life journey or the start or end of a phase of your life journey. For example, stepping off a train onto the platform symbolizes your birth.

Treasure Chest

A treasure chest symbolizes your spiritual nature and spiritual gifts. Your spiritual gifts are the most precious part of your nature.


The symbol treat most likely means you have a hands-on healing ability, which you can use to treat others. This is the same ability Jesus uses in the bible to heal others. Hands-on healing involves channeling energy through your body and projecting that life energy into your client. If it shows up in a Halloween trick or treat setting, it means that you do not believe this is a real ability – it’s a trick. Given the society we grew up in, having that view is understandable but you need to do something to open your mind to it.


A garden tree, especially in the front garden, is indicative of the family tree and your reproductive system. A forest tree is usually about your elimination system / colon due to the strong brown color of a forest. A rotting tree represents your colon. A tree without leaves also indicates your colon.


A trial indicates you are judgmental / critical in nature. You put yourself and others on trial.


A triangle symbolizes mediation and commitment in dreams. Focus your mind, body and soul on the subject matter of the dream.


To dream of a trick indicates a level of mistrust or lack of belief in the subject matter of the dream.


Halloween trick or treat indicates that you have a spiritual healing ability (can treat others) but that you do not believe this is a real ability – it’s a trick / fake. You need to do something to open your mind to it.


A tricycle is a balanced bicycle and symbolizes your heart. It also symbolizes commitment due to the connection with the number 3.


A truck can symbolize your father or career. To dream of urinating in the back of a pickup truck is a request to eliminate the negative influence you picked up from your father (truck) in the past (back of truck).


A car trunk indicates your elimination system. Trunks are used to carry groceries and they are the back door to the car. A car trunk can indicate the uterus, yours or your mothers, in some dreams. A tree trunk is usually brown so can indicate the colon. A telephone trunk line is about communication and channeling with spirits.


A tube can indicate you are a channel – you can communicate with spirits. The symbolism here is that a tube, like a channel, is open at both ends.