A train can symbolize a number of things. It commonly symbolizes your digestive system. Here the train moving along the track is symbolic of food moving along your digestive tract. In fact any track, especially a train track is generally about your digestive tract. A train journey symbolizes your life journey or the current phase of your life journey. In this case, a train station indicates the beginning or end of the phase. If you meet your parents on the train station platform, it is clearly about the beginning of your life. Other symbols in the dream will indicate what you need to include on your journey. For example, if the train is silver you are being reminded that you are to develop and use your psychic ability / intuition as you travel your journey. A train set also symbolizes your life journey. A train carriage is a common symbol for the womb and is bringing you right back to before your birth and early childhood. The train is still about your life journey but the very start is being emphasized as being important. Carriage is a common term referring to babies – for example, baby carriage and miscarriage. It is common in these dreams to show the conditions of the womb by their being no windows in the carriage. While it may seem ridiculous that you could have any memory or lasting effect from that time in your life, look at the dream to see why it is important enough for you to be getting a message about it.