Aisling A-Z
Dream Dictionary


FREE GUIDE: Interpret Your Dreams, Identify Your Life Purpose, and Discover Your Gifts with the Aisling Symbol Dictionary

Unlock the secrets of your subconscious mind with The Aisling Symbol Dictionary. Start understanding the symbols in your dreams and take the first step towards self-discovery. Get your free guide now.



To dream of a typewriter indicates you have a special writing ability. You may already know this because you are drawn to it. If you have not already written something give it a try. It is you.


The United States of America indicates an expansion of consciousness. Much of the Western ‘New Age’ movement has its origins in America. However, America is viewed by many non Americans as a very male oriented society and as such would also indicate being on the karmic path to awareness. This meaning does not hold if you are from the USA.


An umbrella shelters you from the rain. In dreams the rain represents life, so being sheltered from it indicates you protect yourself from life. If the umbrella is given to you by someone it tells you who you picked this protective mechanism up from – a man means it is from your father while a woman means it is from your mother.

Unclean Vessel

A dream of an unclean vessel (anything that can hold water, e.g. a cup, glass, bathtub, barrel, etc.) is about your reproductive system. This comes mainly from a religious background where a woman who had a child was considered unclean until purified by the church.


Underground symbolizes your subconscious – something that is below conscious awareness (ground level).


Uniforms are a pun on a uniform or unchanging way of thinking. The dream is asking you to change how you think with regard to the subject matter of the dream.


University indicates spirituality and learning about yourself with a view to improving yourself. See school.


Uphill indicates that you feel life is an uphill struggle. It also means you are on the karmic path.


Dreaming of you upset or someone else upset shows that you are hurting with regard to the subject matter of the dream.


Upstairs can indicate either your spiritual side or your intellect. Look for other symbols that indicate Spirituality in the same dream.  When a dream has a lot of symbols for the heart, the upstairs is often about the intellect. It is very common for dreams to show the cost on your heart because you rationalize all the time (operating from your head). Walking upstairs can be about activating your spiritual side or your intellect. Again to tell which, you need to look at the other symbols in the same dream.


Urinating eliminates waste that would harm the body. In dreams it symbolizes the need to eliminate an issue from the past or a negative influence in the present. For example, to dream of urinating in the shower while your partner enters and leaves the shower or bathroom is a request to eliminate the negative influence of your partner leaving you. It can also mean you need to (deal with) eliminate the aspects of the relationship that invade your personal space. To urinate in the back of a pickup truck is a request to eliminate the negative influence you picked up from your father (truck) in the past (back of truck).


A vacation or holiday scene is a request to relax or take a rest. It can be triggered by overworking or getting stressed over an issue. For example, to dream of a vacation in a hot country indicates you need to rest and allow your body to rejuvenate (sunny country).

Vacuum Cleaner

A vacuum cleaner symbolizes your lungs as it is a device that works with air. A vacuum cleaner hose can symbolize your intestines.


Vampires have the power of flight and as such they signify the same thing as flying in a dream. Since your physical body cannot fly it symbolizes being able to project your mind onto others. This is quite useful if you work in marketing or sales but it also has a spiritual dimension. You can use your strong mind to influence how others think and to also influence their health. It works along the lines of thinking yourself healthy, but in this case you can think somebody else healthy. This ability is best known from the bible when Jesus heals the centurion’s servant without ever seeing him. You are probably wondering why the vampire though. The reason is that while you can heal someone by thinking well of them, you can also negatively affect someone by harboring negative thoughts about them.  For those of us without this ability, it is not a problem as our thoughts do not affect others that way. In your case, however, dreaming of a vampire is reminding you that you have a special ability, and right now you are using it in a way that is sucking the life force out of somebody. You should know who it is already, and if you do not, then check how you think in general. Do you see everyone as a jerk and wish bad luck on them? The dream is reminding you of your power and that it is your responsibility to control it, or accept the karmic consequence. Oh yes, and please don’t think badly of me for telling you what it means!


A van symbolizes your career. Other symbols in the same dream further refine the meaning. For example, to dream of your boss stealing your van warns that, despite appearance, your boss is not on your side in the workplace.