Banks control the flow of money in circulation and as such they symbolize your heart, circulatory system and emotions. When specifically about emotions they indicate suppression of feelings. A bank account also indicates your feelings but in this case the attention is being drawn to how balanced your heart is. Do you share your feelings or do you hide them from others? Constant suppression of emotions can lead to physical problems with your heart and circulatory system. An overdrawn bank account means you are being asked to address the imbalance as a matter of importance. A bank robbery is not what it appears. With the bank symbolizing your heart the ‘robbers’ are forcing you to give from your heart. However, in your case the feeling in waking life is that when you give you get nothing in return – this indicates an inability to share. A river bank, earthy and muddy indicates your colon. Quite often these dreams link the state of your bloodstream with the state of your colon reminding you that what you eat ends up in your bloodstream. In particular, foods that your system cannot digest or eliminate properly build up toxins in your colon which then seep into your bloodstream. A river bank, green with clear water indicates your heart, emotions and bloodstream.