Aisling A-Z
Dream Dictionary


FREE GUIDE: Interpret Your Dreams, Identify Your Life Purpose, and Discover Your Gifts with the Aisling Symbol Dictionary

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A balloon represents an ideal or a goal. Anything circular in a dream can symbolize this but a balloon is also something you look up to – symbolizing a request for you to aspire to achieving your goal.


Bamboo, being wooden and a long tube, indicates your colon. It can also indicate you are a channel as it is a tube that is open at both ends.


Banks control the flow of money in circulation and as such they symbolize your heart, circulatory system and emotions. When specifically about emotions they indicate suppression of feelings. A bank account also indicates your feelings but in this case the attention is being drawn to how balanced your heart is. Do you share your feelings or do you hide them from others? Constant suppression of emotions can lead to physical problems with your heart and circulatory system. An overdrawn bank account means you are being asked to address the imbalance as a matter of importance. A bank robbery is not what it appears. With the bank symbolizing your heart the ‘robbers’ are forcing you to give from your heart. However, in your case the feeling in waking life is that when you give you get nothing in return – this indicates an inability to share. A river bank, earthy and muddy indicates your colon. Quite often these dreams link the state of your bloodstream with the state of your colon reminding you that what you eat ends up in your bloodstream. In particular, foods that your system cannot digest or eliminate properly build up toxins in your colon which then seep into your bloodstream. A river bank, green with clear water indicates your heart, emotions and bloodstream.


A banner is symbolic of a title or qualification. Usually in dreams it is indicative of a perceived need for a qualification to feel entitled to do what you are already capable of.


To dream of a banquet is a request to be selective about the food you eat, and to eat what is required to keep your body healthy. Do not starve yourself. This is a common symbol for people who are damaging their body through excessive dieting.


Bars symbolize socializing, repression of feelings or your spiritual nature. Getting drunk symbolizes repression of feelings as alcohol desensitizes you. Alcohol is a spirit so can also indicate your spiritual nature.


Being barefoot in a dream indicates having cold feet with regard to the subject matter of the dream. The subject is given by other symbols in the dream. For example, finding yourself barefoot in the lobby of a hotel with your partner is about how your reception at birth (hotel) is holding you back from moving forward (barefoot) in your relationship today (with your partner in dream).


A barn symbolizes your digestive system or colon. For example, steaming hay in a barn or a moldy barn indicates you have the condition candida albicans.


A barrier that acts like a fence means you suppress your feelings. This is used to mark your personal space. In dreams this is a symbol of sharing and indicates suppression of feelings. You do not share your feelings with others and more importantly you do not acknowledge your feelings yourself. Feelings come from your heart and persistent suppression can lead to health problems in this area. Also look for symbols to do with your head such as roofs or being up a height as these dreams are often asking you to move your centre of consciousness down from your head and into your heart. A barrier at a check point such as a customs post is about expanding your consciousness. See Customs Post. An obstacle on your path acting like a barrier indicates that you are blocking your progress with regard to the subject matter of the dream. This is regardless of the fact that you did not put the obstacle there in the dream. If you know who put it there then you are letting the influence of that person block you from doing what you need to do. If it is non-personal, such as wet cement on the pavement, you need to improve the health of your colon in order to continue in the direction of your goal.


Anyone with a title in a dream is a guide and you always have the ability they are displaying in the dream. A barrister is the senior counselor in a court of law. The dream is saying that you have the ability to counsel others. You are a counselor. Quite often in these dreams a woman will appear prominently.


A basement indicates your subconscious or something that is below your conscious awareness. It is buried below a level which you can see.


A baby basket indicates your reproductive system and uterus in particular. A flower basket can also indicate your reproductive system.


A basketball signifies ideals / goals. Career is indicated by the black and orange color combination so the dream may refer to your career goals.  A basketball game is about how you pursue your goals in life.


A bat (the animal) signifies you have an angry or negative mind with regard to the subject matter of the dream. It also signifies you have special abilities – see Flying for more. A bat or club indicates that your male side controls your attitude to life or the subject matter of the dream.


A bath can represent your uterus. This is because water represents life and a bath is a vessel that holds water. For the same reason a bath drain can represent your cervix. A dark shadow coming from the bath drain can indicate a condition such as endometriosis. Being a place of cleansing a bath can also represent the need to eliminate some idea you are holding onto or indeed physical elimination.