FREE GUIDE: Interpret Your Dreams, Identify Your Life Purpose, and Discover Your Gifts with the Aisling Symbol Dictionary
Unlock the secrets of your subconscious mind with The Aisling Symbol Dictionary. Start understanding the symbols in your dreams and take the first step towards self-discovery. Get your free guide now.
To dream of something out of order is usually about your physical body and something not functioning correctly within it. The focus is the subject matter of the dream. For example, a toilet out of order would indicate problems with your elimination system.
Ovens usually indicate your reproductive system. The expression to have a bun in the oven is synonymous with being pregnant. On occasion, an oven can also symbolize your stomach as both are places we put food.
An overflow drain pipe connected to a heating or water system is about the immune system. Here the drain pipe kicks in when required to relieve pressure from the main system. This is how the immune system works. Always alert to prevent a problem.
An owl signifies inner wisdom and that you have a counseling ability. Like other birds an owl can also signify an ideal (something to look up to). Owl can also be a pun on old.