A lift can indicate a number of things. Due to its small space, lack of windows and claustrophobic atmosphere, it can indicate your womb or being in your mother’s womb. A descending lift indicates being in your mother’s womb and your birth by symbolizing your move down onto the planet. Here the movement down indicates movement from a higher vibration to the dense physical environment. In these dreams the people you meet in the lift or just after you exit it, usually indicate the reaction of your parents to your birth. A descending lift can also symbolize movement of your centre of consciousness from your head (logic) to your heart. Here the dream is asking you to get in touch with your feelings – move down out of your head. An ascending lift indicates movement to the spirit world – movement to a higher vibration. This can sometimes mean that you are a channel but is also a request to activate your spiritual nature. An ascending lift can also symbolize activating your intellect. This is required when you become too emotional about the subject matter of the dream or need to overcome an irrational fear. An ascending and descending lift indicates you are a channel – you can communicate with spirits. The lift shows that you have the ability to move between the physical and spirit worlds. In the dream you are symbolically raising your vibration to the spirit world and lowering it again to return. In these dreams you will often find yourself delivering letters or other mail to people in a building.