Aisling A-Z
Dream Dictionary


FREE GUIDE: Interpret Your Dreams, Identify Your Life Purpose, and Discover Your Gifts with the Aisling Symbol Dictionary

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A breastplate indicates that you do not allow others to get close to you. The theory is that keeping people at a distance prevents you from getting hurt. The dream shows this to ask you to open up and allow others to get close as it is not healthy to suppress your feelings over a long period of time. Ideally you are open and honest about your feelings both to yourself and to others. Your heart requires balanced expression to stay healthy.


A bridge is for spanning a divide and as such in dreams it suggests you need a reconciliation of different aspects of yourself. For example, dreams of bridges can be triggered if you are thinking of leaving work to start out on your own but are troubled by issues of confidence. Bridges can also indicate reconciliation with others. In this case you are likely to know of the waking life issue and the person or persons involved. However, it is common to dream of the people with whom reconciliation is required. Sometimes the relevant person is shown in symbolic form. John dreamt he was trying to hurry across a rope bridge while meteorites were falling. His path was blocked by a man coming in the opposite direction. In this dream the man represents John’s father, a man whom John feels has obstructed his path in life. The dream is telling John that in order to move forward he must reconcile a clash of ideals (indicated by meteorites falling) with his father. Bridges can also indicate a transition. While on a bridge you are neither where the bridge starts nor where it leads to. It is common for these dreams to occur when going through a transition between stages of your life or doing some therapeutic work on yourself that will lead to a positive outcome. Lastly a bridge can indicate that you have a counseling ability. The first rule of interpretation is that you are everything in the dream. If you are a bridge your special ability is to help people span a divide which symbolically indicates reconciliation of issues whether with themselves or with others.


Brown being the color of earth indicates you need to see the subject matter of the dream as practical. It is common to see brown alongside spiritual gifts in dreams. Here the brown is asking you not to deny your spiritual ability. The gift is practical and you need to bring it down to earth. For example a brown church door asks you to create practical opportunities to include your spiritual aspects in your life on the planet. Dull brown indicates negative materiality where you are too focused on earthly things. This unenlightened philosophy leads to a denial of spirit and ultimately depression. If a dull brown coat is worn by your father in your dream it means that you picked up your materialistic philosophy of life from him. Brown can also indicate issues with your colon.


To be bruised in a dream indicates emotional trauma. While the trauma is likely to be in the past you are dreaming about it because it is still affecting your actions today.


Buddha symbolizes your spiritual level in a dream. You are either at an enlightened level of awareness or have the potential to reach that stage in this life time. Buddha is also particularly known for his spiritual leadership so it also means that you have that ability.


To dream of a buffet is a request to be selective about the food you eat, and to eat what is required to keep your body healthy. Don’t starve yourself. This is a common symbol for people who are damaging their body through excessive dieting.


Bugs represent things that are bugging you in reality.


A bulldozer, like any other earth moving machine, is about your colon and elimination system. This is due to the colon being the dirt track of your body.

Bunsen Burner

A Bunsen burner, being a flame source, is about your heart and emotions. If the dream is highlighting a physical problem with the burner, it is about your physical heart otherwise the dream is focusing on your emotions and is most likely asking you to be more openly expressive.

Burger King

To dream of Burger King or any fast food restaurant is about the need to speed up your digestive system. It is a symbolic antidote to a sluggish digestive system with fast food. To emphasize the healing the dream will often place you in the drive through which provides faster fast food and is usually very brightly lit in the dream.

Burglar Alarm

A burglar alarm symbolizes your immune system. For example, repeatedly trying to reset a burglar alarm in your dream can indicate an auto immune disorder such as multiple sclerosis (MS).

Burial Place

A burial place indicates the digestive and elimination system. This is regardless of whether the burial place is for an animal, pet or human. The color brown (see colors) and the earthiness of the burial place are sufficient to indicate the digestive system. Any dream where digging into the earth / dirt is involved implies the dirt track of your body, which is your colon. However, a morbid symbolic link exists because both the digestive system and a burial place are used to receive dead meat.


Dreams including a bus are often about your life journey especially if it is a school bus. The bus number is significant in commenting on how you are currently doing on your journey. For example, a number 17 is about your individual spiritual path, whereas a 47 indicates that you are limiting your spiritual journey. Getting the wrong bus means you are being asked to change your direction in life. Again the bus number or the bus’s destination will indicate the specific change to be made. If the bus does not go where it should or takes an unexpected route you are again being asked to take stock of where you are going in life. Is where you are going in line with what your dreams are asking you to do? Getting off a bus can indicate birth through symbolically showing you enter into the world. The rest of the dream will comment on the circumstances of your birth and how it affects you today. A bus stop is where a journey starts and ends and as such can indicate the beginning or end of your life journey or a stage of your life journey. This is not usually a health warning. Being upstairs on a double decked bus indicates that you tend to rationalize decisions rather than follow your heart. Literally you live in your head, upstairs in your body. The dream is encouraging you to listen to your feelings. Waves washing over the top of a bus indicate you rationalize, due to some previous emotional turmoil. The mistaken concept is that closing your heart and retreating into your head will protect you from similar pain in the future. An open top bus is asking you to open your mind to new things. To dream of a bus driver, whether you are the driver or not, means you have an ability to work with groups of people in a counseling or coaching fashion. Like the bus driver you can bring the group from where they are to where they need to be. Waiting in line for a bus means you have a sluggish digestive system. Literally food is waiting in line in your colon instead of traveling at normal speed through it. The dream is asking you to do something to speed it up. For example, remove the foods from your diet that slow it down. The foods in question are often indicated in the same dream. See the chapter on Digest This for a complete description. A bus can sometimes be used as a pun for bust and therefore be about how loved and nurtured you felt from your mother. For example, a dream where a Fiat Bambino car had crashed across the front of a bus told the dreamer that she wasn’t planned. From her mother’s perspective she was an accident that she was forced to take responsibility for. The dreamer, at age 45, was still affected by this reception at birth.

Bus Driver

A bus driver indicates you have a leadership / teaching ability that works well with groups. It means this because a bus driver takes many people from where they are to where they need to be at the same time.