Cats often indicate your gut or stomach. Cat gut is used for many things and we also have the expression my stomach is cat. In these dreams, other symbols for the digestive system will often occur such as dreaming of a cat in the kitchen, references to biting or the mouth or references to particular foods. As with most animals the location of the cat is most significant. Kitchens always indicate the digestive system as a kitchen is linked with eating and food preparation. A cat being eaten by a snake or being chased by one is a warning of stomach cancer. A cat climbing the wallpaper or scratching you is indicative of acid reflux.
Cats, especially if black, can also indicate guilt due to the fact that the cat-o-nine-tails was used on ships to purge sailors of their sins.
A cat in the bedroom or scratching a bed post would indicate guilt with regard to sexual activity.
A cat in the bedroom wardrobe indicates that guilt (the cat) is affecting your attitude (clothes in wardrobe) towards sex (the bedroom). This can even be the other way around where your attitude towards the sexual act is causing guilt. For instance, if you were sexually abused in your childhood this could cause you to adopt a distasteful attitude towards sex which causes you to feel guilt because you don’t want to have sex with your partner.