To dream of bread can indicate a number of things. Taking home the bread would symbolize your income. The rest of the dream is likely to be about how your career or a financial burden is affecting something else in your life.
Soggy bread or large amounts of bread indicate that bread is clogging up your digestive system. If you find you have an intolerance to particular foods it can often be due to eating something, such as bread, that slows down your digestive system. Once slowed down, other foods have time to literally rot and produce toxins in your gut.
Brown bread is the Cockney rhyming slang for dead and indicates this in a dream. Something else in the dream will alert you to what you need to change in your life today.
Toast bread also is a pun on death. In this case, however, the connection with the heart is established as fire is required to make toast. Look for other symbols to indicate changes you need to make.